Extend Flushing Programs
& Better Diagnostic Tools
NO-DES Technology Extended Flushing Programs Because of Longer Lasting and more efficient Removal
Hillsborough, CA | 2010
After Hillsborough CA received their NO-DES truck unit in 2010, they created a NO-DES flushing program to mirror their old hydrant flushing program (flushing 1/4 of their distribution system per year, for four years). They were consuming approximately one set of filter bags between three flushing runs to three days of flushing runs. But once they completed NO-DES flushing of their entire distribution system (four years); and they started NO-DES flushing the first 1/4th of their system again – they found that this time their filter bags were lasting from three weeks per flushing run to three months (sometimes even longer)! This showed that the NO-DES flushing method is much more efficient and lasts much longer than any other type of water main flushing techniques on the market.
NO-DES Technology Was A Great Diagnostic Tool
Pasadena, CA | 2014
In 2014 the city of Pasadena CA requested a Demonstration in an area where they were having issues with nitrification – This area was somewhat of a dead end loop with low flows. We set up the NO-DES demo trailer at the bottom of the loop area and successfully flushed directly from hydrant to hydrant. The water quality manager then asked if we would close the needed valves to create a NO-DES hydraulic flushing loop back out towards a main road (and remain connected to the same hydrants/same set up location of the first flushing run)? We closed the necessary main line valves and started the NO-DES pump; the flow meter showed zero flow – This meant that there was a closed valve somewhere in the newly created loop. Note: Our NO-DES equipment is a great diagnostic tool for finding closed valves and other issues like tuberculated mains. I advised them to look for a closed valve within the newly created loop (and as usual, at first they said there was no closed valves). After searching for 30 minutes or so; they found a broken closed valve two streets away from our set-up location – This also was the culprit that was creating the nitrification issues in that area (two dead-ends)! The plan was for them to schedule the valve to be replaced, and then we would come back in and NO-DES flush that same loop. The next year we came back and set up at the same location (same hydrants), closed the same valves to create the same flushing loop – Again when we turned on the NO-DES pump we had zero flow; at first they thought our equipment was faulty, but after searching for closed valves again they found that their crews had left two of the valves (that were needed to isolate and replace the broken valve) CLOSED! After opening the found closed valves, we finally had a successful NO-DES flush of that loop – This solved the nitrification issues and dead-end issues, plus convincing Pasadena to purchase a NO-DES truck unit!